Advanced Steel Processing & Products Research Center
Colorado School of Mines

The Advanced Steel Processing and Products Research Center (ASPPRC) is dedicated to excellence in the study of steel. The Center was initially established with support from the National Science Foundation as one of over fifty Industry/University Cooperative Research Centers, and is now self-sufficient with support from the global industry and a variety of federal agencies.
Research At The Interface Between Users And Producers Of Steel
ASPPRC study a wide variety of steel “families.” Work is divided among three program areas: bar and forging steels; sheet and coated steels; and plate and hot rolled steels. Students conduct research to work towards either a Master’s of Science or Doctorate of Philosophy. In addition to research, the students work closely with corporate sponsors.
Cooperation and frequent communication between industrial sponsors and the faculty, staff and students involved in the center forms the basis of the ASPPRC’s success.
Operations Summary

Research Facilities

Corporate Sponsors

Contact Us
The ASPPRC is located at the Colorado School of Mines.
Come visit us in Hill Hall!
Kip O. Findley, Director ASPPRC
Phone: (303) 273-3906
Karen Coulson (Abt), ASPPRC Administrator
Phone: (303) 273-3025
Mailing Address
George S. Ansell Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
Colorado School of Mines
1500 Illinois Street
Hill Hall
Golden, CO 80401 USA
Shipping Address (Large Shipments)
ASPPRC Shipping and Receiving
Colorado School of Mines
1301 19th Street
Golden, CO 80401 USA

As Colorado School of Mines prepares for our 150th anniversary in 2024, dynamic and disruptive change is all around us. MINES@150 is our plan to position Mines for future success.
It calls for change, but also to stay true to our timeless mission, pillars and core values. MINES@150 leverages our size, location, and history, ensuring that our graduates will continue to be distinctive and highly valued, placing Mines at the frontiers of STEM education, research and innovation, and elevating our status among the world’s top universities.